
USA: Trump likens Turks and Kurds to 'two kids' fighting

3 18.10.2019
W/S camera operators at rally of US President Donald Trump, Dallas
SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States: "We've all agreed on a pause or a ceasefire in the border region of Syria. And it was unconventional what I did, I said 'they're going to have to fight a little while.' Sometimes you have to let them fight a little while, then people find out how tough the fighting is, these guys know right up here. These guys know. Right? Sometimes you have to let them fight, it's like two kids in a lot, you've got to let them fight, then you pull them apart. But it was unconventional. But they fought for a few days and it was pretty vicious. And the Kurds who are our friends and Turkey is our friend, but they fought and it was tougher. I mean, it was nasty. And you couldn't make a deal for 15, think of it, for 15, 20 years you couldn't make a deal. The Kurds didn't want to move, Turkey didn't want to budge. And Turkey was having a lot of bad things happen from this region, in all fairness to Turkey. They were having a lot of bad [things]. Now all of a sudden they're fighting and it's not fun having bullets going all over the place. And we went there and we said we want a pause. And the Kurds have been terrific, they are going to move back a little bit, we are going to keep ISIS all nice and locked up, OK? We're going to find more of them."
W/S Crowd applauding
M/S Sign reading "Israel loves Trump"
SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States: "The more America achieves, the more hateful and enraged these crazy Democrats become. Crazy. They are crazy. They are crazy. At stake in this fight is the survival of American democracy itself, don't kid yourself. That's what they want. They are destroying this country but we will never let it happen, not even close."
SOT, Donald Trump, President of the United States: "Crazy Nancy. Think of that, that crazy Nancy, she is crazy. And Shifty Shift, how about this guy? He makes up my conversation which was perfect."
W/S Trump leaving
US President Donald Trump compared the Turkish offensive on Syrian Kurds to a fight between "two kids in a lot" during a rally in Dallas on Thursday, after applauding a ceasefire agreed to earlier in the day.
Trump described his position vis-a-vis the Turkish offensive as "unconventional," adding "sometimes you have to let them fight, it's like two kids in a lot, you've got to let them fight, then you pull them apart."
On Thursday, US Vice President Mike Pence announced a five-day ceasefire in Turkey's military operation, dubbed 'Operation Peace Spring,' which began on October 9, days after the White House announced a withdrawal of US troops from the area. Ankara said the offensive aimed to create a 'safe zone' cleared of Kurdish groups.
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