
Venezuela: Opposition-led assembly rejoins treaty endorsing military intervention

2 24.07.2019
W/S Venezuela opposition leader Juan Guaido arriving at the National Assembly, Caracas
M/S Guaido walking through the crowd
C/U Guaido greeting supporters
M/S Crowd applauding
M/S Crowd applauding
M/S Guaido waving from podium
M/S Crowd applauding
SOT, Juan Guaido, Venezuelan opposition leader (Spanish): "Through a motion of urgency that I put forward so that we vote immediately, please, all our deputies, I ask then that the Law of Re-incorporation to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance be approved in second discussion."
W/S Deputies voting by raise of hands *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Juan Guaido, Venezuelan opposition leader (Spanish): "Unanimously approved by everyone present in Venezuela. It is sanctioned like this. With both hands, deputy."
M/S Guaido supporters applauding *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Juan Guaido, Venezuelan opposition leader (Spanish): "Relying on third parties is not what we are saying. It is to fully rejoin the Inter-American System. It is to attend the emergency, it is to end the suffering. And that's why I talked about all the fighting spaces in which we are and will be, because we are not afraid of any space as long as it approximates solutions and puts an end to the suffering of our people which has already gone through a lot."
M/S Crowd chanting
M/S Guaido supporters holding flags of Venezuela and the United States
Venezuela's National Assembly unanimously approved a law returning Venezuela to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance at an open-air session in Caracas on Tuesday.
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido requested an urgent motion to sanction the re-incorporation, six months to the day when he first proclaimed himself president of Venezuela.
"Relying on third parties is not what we are saying. It is to fully re-join the Inter-American System. It is to attend the emergency, it is to end the suffering," said Guaido.
After deputies unanimously raised their hands, thus passing the bill into law, Guaido said Venezuela is "not afraid of any space as long as it approximates solutions and puts an end to the suffering of our people which has already gone through a lot."
The regional defence treaty is widely viewed by the opposition as a precursor to requesting foreign military intervention to oust Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
The treaty, signed in 1947 in Rio de Janeiro, states that an attack on one of the members - which include most large Western Hemisphere countries - should be considered an attack on all. Venezuela and its left-wing allies in Latin America left the alliance between 2012 and 2013.
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