
Russia: Lavrov says Moscow would support amendments to Adana agreement

6 267 21.10.2019
W/S Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Bulgarian counterpart Ekaterina Zakharieva at press conference in Moscow
SOT, Ekaterina Zakharieva, Bulgarian Foreign Minister (Bulgarian): "In fact, today we have started the establishments of the 'Bulgarian Stream' as Minister Lavrov called it, on 16th of September we have signed the agreement of the constrictions, today there was an official ceremony, with the participation of our prime minister and the Russian ambassador in Sofia."
W/S Zakharieva and Lavrov
SOT, Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): "We have our position that we openly promote and consider to be optimal in the current situation, which is to achieve a situation when all Kurdish structures in Syrian territory will be firmly inscribed in the legal field of Syria, in the Syrian constitution, so that there are no illegal armed groups on the territory of Syria, and not threat to the security of Turkey, as well as other states."
W/S Zakharieva and Lavrov
SOT, Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): "Obviously, the dialogue between Ankara and Damascus should be based on the 1998 Adana agreement, this is the existing international legal framework that has been recently confirmed by both parties, including in the context of current events. If the parties in the course of contacts consider it necessary and mutually acceptable to somehow clarify or amend this agreement, this will be their decision. Of course, we will accept and support it. Regarding the planned contacts between the Syrian and Turkish representatives in Sochi, comments by a representative of the presidential administration have already been made. We do not have such plans."
M/S Zakharieva and Lavrov shaking hands
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow would support any changes to the 1998 Adana agreement between Syria and Turkey if Damascus and Ankara deemed necessary to amend the pact. Lavrov was speaking in Moscow on Monday at a joint press conference with his Bulgarian counterpart Ekaterina Zakharieva.
He added that Russia had no plans to host a possible security summit between Syria and Turkey.
The foreign minister went on to comment on the Kurdish structures in Syria, saying that there should be no “illegal armed groups on the territory of Syria” that posed threat to any nation in the region.
Kurdish structures in Syria to be “be firmly inscribed in the legal field of Syria” on target to pose a risk to the security of other countries.
Bulgaria’s Zakharieva on her part said that the construction of the so-called 'Bulgarian Stream' gas pipeline, an extended gas transmission network infrastructure from the Turkish-Bulgarian to the Bulgarian-Serbian border, had begun on Monday.
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