
Finland: 'Worse than military warfare' - Iranian foreign minister on US sanctions

5 19.08.2019
W/S Motorcade arrives
M/S Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto shaking hands with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
W/S Delegations walking up the stairs
W/S Delegations at negotiating table
W/S Delegations at negotiating table
M/S Delegations at negotiating table
M/S Foreign ministers arriving at news conference
SOT, Mohammed Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister: "The United States is engaged in economic warfare against Iran. Economic warfare is worse than military warfare because in economic warfare the targets are civilians. In a military war the targets are soldiers."
M/S Journalist
SOT, Mohammed Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister: "We always held that the seizure of Grace 1, now Adrian Darya tanker, was illegal, [it] was not based on any law, that Iranian oil is not sanctioned by any entity and Iran is not subjected to European decisions. And Europe does not seek even to impose its decisions on non-EU members so there was no grounds for taking that ship by Gibraltar authorities and by the United Kingdom. We are happy that this ordeal has ended. And I hope that this will lead to less escalation. Certainly, the United States continues to try to make more escalation by passing a rather purely political court decision on this ship which is a travesty of justice and law. Now because of US sanctions we cannot be very transparent with the destination of our oil because the United States illegally tries to bully others from purchasing our oil."
C/U Finnish flag *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
M/S Ministers leaving news conference
W/S Exterior of the House of Estate, Helsinki
Iran's foreign minister said the US is engaged in economic warfare against his country, by targeting its civilians, at a news conference in Helsinki on Monday. Mohammed Javad Zarif met with his Finnish counterpart Pekka Haavisto on the first leg of his trip to Scandinavia.
"Economic warfare is worse than military warfare because in economic warfare the targets are civilians. In a military war the targets are soldiers," said Zarif.
He also commented on the release of an Iranian oil tanker by authorities in Gibraltar saying the vessel did not violate any laws. "We are happy that this ordeal has ended. And I hope that this will lead to less escalation. Certainly, the United States continues to try to make more escalation by passing a rather purely political court decision on this ship which is a travesty of justice and law," said the minister.
Zarif held talks with the Finnish delegation, with Finland currently chairing the EU Council. He is also set to visit Sweden and Norway to discuss how to ease tensions in the Persian Gulf.
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