
Ecstasy - the new fragance by Dutch police (to stop drug gangs)

0 27.06.2019
C/U Ecstasy perfume bottle, Amsterdam
W/S Public prosecutor office
W/S Dutch prosecutor Lars Stempher and colleague
M/S Dutch prosecutor Lars Stempher and colleague
SOT, Lars Stempher, Dutch prosecutor: "In this country, in the Netherlands, we have a big problem with organised crime and they produce ecstasy. It is a serious crime that we have to deal with it in the Netherlands and to create awareness to the public we wanted to show them and let them smell how ecstasy production smells like."
C/U Bottle
M/S Dutch prosecutor Lars Stempher and colleague
SOT, Lars Stempher, Dutch prosecutor: "What we say to the people is that when you smell something specific like this, say it to the police, say that you smelled and we will investigate."
W/S Passers-by
SOT, Mica, Dutch citizen: "It smells like liquorice."
SOT, Alex, Dutch citizen: "Yeah, like black liquorice."
SOT, Mica, Dutch citizen: "Like black liquorice. It smells nice."
SOT, Alex, Dutch citizen: "It's pretty good, I like it."
SOT, Mica, Dutch citizen: "It's kind a mind tea, but sweet. Something I would wear, definitively, it is different."
C/U Alex and Mica spray perfume
M/S Alex and Mica
SOT, Journalist: "That smell is actually ecstasy, the drug."
SOT, Alex, Dutch citizen: "Oh wait, it smell like ecstasy?"
SOT, Mica, Dutch citizen: "What? What are you serious? Really?"
SOT, Alex, Dutch citizen: "Oh look at that, it says xtacy. Nailing it, 10 out of 10."
SOT, Mica, Dutch citizen: "That's is so cool!"
M/S Anna and Christopher, Scottish tourists
C/U Bottle
SOT, Anna, Scottish tourist: "It smells sweet:"
SOT, Christopher, Scottish tourist: "Yeah, Liquorice? Aniseed? It's quite nice though."
W/S Amsterdam Centraal sign
SOT, Tamara, Dutch citizen: "What is it?"
SOT, Journalist: "Ecstasy."
SOT, Tamara, Dutch citizen: "This is ecstasy."
SOT, Journalist: "The smell."
SOT, Tamara, Dutch citizen (Dutch): "Oh. Oh my god."
SOT, Sarah, Dutch citizen: "No, I didn't like it. It's too strong, the smell."
C/U Bottle
C/U Passers-by smell perfume
SOT, Denisa, Greek tourist: "Ah this -- yeah, because, I know what ecstasy is but I thought, maybe you mean something else, you don't mean that. Okay."
C/U Denisa sprays perfume
C/U John, Denisa's brother, smells perfume
SOT, Denisa, Greek tourist: "Well I never use it, I never smell it, it's [the] first time. What about you?"
SOT, John, Denisa's brother: "First time too."
W/S Tram
M/S Man next to boat
Dutch prosecutors have released an ecstasy-scented perfume as part of an awareness campaign to encourage members of the public to come forward and report drug labs.
The fragrance was tested on the streets of Amsterdam on Wednesday to much surprise.
The perfume, complete with its designer bottle and logo reading "xtacy," smelt like liquorice and aniseed to passers-by who tried it. They were even more surprised to discover it was in actual fact ecstasy, with some questioning why people would take it in the first place.
The man behind the initiative, Dutch prosecutor Lars Stempher, said the project was intended to raise awareness of that specific smell, which is the best way to find an illegal ecstasy laboratory.
"What we say to the people is that when you smell something specific like this, say it to the police, say that you smelled and we will investigate," he said. "In this country, in the Netherlands, we have a big problem with organised crime and they produce ecstasy. It is a serious crime that we have to deal with it in the Netherlands."
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