
Nailed It! Digital nail printer creates personalised patterns in 20 seconds

15 19.08.2019
M/S Nail artist giving manicure to customer, Sinan Beauty Club in Wenzhou
C/U Customer choosing pattern from smartphone
C/U Nail artist giving manicure to customer
C/U Nail artist uploading picture from smartphone
C/U Customer puts finger into nail printer
C/U Nail artist giving manicure to customer
C/U Customer's nail
M/S Sinan Beauty Club entrance in Zhejiang's Wenzhou, China
SOT, Yang Pin,Founder of the Sinan Beauty Club (Mandarin): "Over 10 years ago, I knew there was a nail printing machine on the foreign market. But the pictures were non-flexible and plain. I thought the printing machine had no soul, according to background research of customers' demand and aesthetic. Last July, we developed our own nail printing machine, which works quicker and easier."
M/S Nail printer
M/S Nail samples inside case
M/S Nail printers
C/U Nail printer
SOT, Yang Pin,Founder of the Sinan Beauty Club (Mandarin): "Some young girls would like to do the nails on their own. They can choose the pictures they like. They can print their favorite movie stars, pets and selfies on their nails."
M/S Nail polish showcased
M/S Nail samples inside cases
M/S Nail samples
W/S Interior of Sinan Beauty Club
W/S Nail salon, desk
Chinese nail artist Yang Pin found a way to provide a quick and perfect nail fix for her clients when she started using a digital nail printer, as footage filmed in Sinan Beauty Club in China's Wenzhou on Sunday shows.
Yang Pin started developing her own nail project around ten years ago, after realising the nail printing machines available on the market abroad could only print a limited set of pictures.
She said that her new nail printing machine as unveiled last July and can be connected to a phone via Bluetooth. Customers just need to upload their desirable designs and a digital printer would produce complex nail art within 20 seconds instead of spending hours in a manicure salon.
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