
State of Palestine: Netanyahu holds cabinet meeting in part of West Bank he vows to annex

1 15.09.2019
M/S Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu at cabinet meeting, Jordan Valley
SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister (Hebrew): "This weekend, I spoke with my friend president Trump. We agreed to promote a historic defence pact between the US and Israel at the upcoming UN General Assembly meeting. It is historic because it adds a historic element of deterrence against our enemies while maintaining the freedom of action for our forces. We will always insist on that and it will always be in this defence pact, as it is in other defence pacts."
W/S Cabinet meeting
SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister (Hebrew): "I'm proud to convene this special cabinet meeting in the Jordan Valley. It's not just the eastern gate of Israel. It is the defensive wall from the east, because the Jordan Valley, together with the territories that will be part of Israel, guarantee that the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) will be here forever. Instead of having a country that is only a few kilometres wide, it is a country with strategic depth and strategic height. Today the government will decide upon starting the process of establishing the community of Mevo'ot Yericho in the Jordan Valley. The final approval will of course be given with the establishment of the next government."
M/S Cabinet meeting
SOT, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister (Hebrew): "Extending sovereignty of all our settlements in the West Bank, also those in the blocs and also those outside the blocs and other territories that are essential to our security and maintaining our heritage."
W/S Netanyahu posing for images with cabinet members
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a pre-election cabinet meeting on Sunday in the part of the occupied West Bank which he promised to annex, if he is re-elected in a general vote on Tuesday.
"I'm proud to convene this special cabinet meeting in the Jordan Valley. It's not just the eastern gate of Israel, it is the defensive wall from the east, because the Jordan Valley, together with the territories that will be part of Israel, guarantee that the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) will be here forever," he said.
A tent was set up for the rare meeting outside of the Israeli territory.
"Today the government will decide upon starting the process of establishing the community of Mevo'ot Yericho in the Jordan Valley. The final approval will of course be given with the establishment of the next government," said Netanyahu.
Israel will hold snap elections on Tuesday, as Netanyahu was unable to form a coalition after the vote in April. His pledge to annex the Jordan Valley and the Northern Dead Sea sparked international condemnation.
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