
USA: 'I think we're doing better than that' - Trump as WH officials predict at least 100,000 deaths

9 01.04.2020
W/S US President Donald Trump arriving at press conference, Washington DC
SOT, Reporter: "Were you surprised when you saw these projections? The numbers are sobering."
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "They're very sobering, yeah, you see a 100,000 people and that's at a minimum number. Now what we're looking at and as many people as we're talking about, whatever we can do under that number and substantially under that number and we've done that through really great mitigation, we've done that through a lot of very dedicated American people. That you know 100,000 is according to modelling a very low number, in fact when I first saw the number, and I asked this a while ago, they said it was unlikely you'll be able to attain that. I think we're doing better than, now I think we have to see, but I think we're doing better than that." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
C/U Coronavirus infographic showing potential numbers of dead due to virus, reading: "Goals of Community mitigation" *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: *TRANSCRIPTION TO FOLLOW*
W/S Press at conference *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: *TRANSCRIPTION TO FOLLOW*
M/S Reporters *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: *TRANSCRIPTION TO FOLLOW*
M/S Reporters *CUTAWAY*
W/S Trump leaving at conclusion of conference
US President Donald Trump said that although White House officials told him it was "unlikely" that deaths due to the coronavirus could be limited to 100,000 in the US, he thinks "we're doing better than that," during a briefing in Washington DC on Tuesday.
Trump also defended his administration's response to the pandemic saying that millions more would have died if they had done nothing.
The president also spoke again about the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, which he has previously said has potential for treating the coronavirus, although it has not yet been proven to be effective by any studies.
Near the end of the briefing Trump stated that he was "sure people were enjoying it," adding that "it's an incredibly dark topic, an incredibly horrible topic, and also incredibly interesting," saying that people were "going crazy" and "can't get enough of it."
US government projections, which were displayed in graph form at the conference, project that between 100,000 and 240,000 people could die from the coronavirus in the country, despite the measures currently in place.
The US is the worst hit country by the pandemic, with more than 165,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and over 3,100 fatalities.
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