
Argentina: Thousands demand declaration of 'food emergency'

2 18.07.2019
W/S Protesters marching and holding banners, Buenos Aires
M/S Protesters marching and playing drums
M/S Protesters marching and holding banners
M/S Police on quad
W/S Protesters marching and holding banners
W/S Protesters marching while holding banners and flags
M/S Police officers watching march
W/S Protesters marching and holding banners
W/S Protesters marching while holding banners and flags
M/S Police officers carrying shields
M/S Protesters holding signs
M/S Police officers marching
M/S Protesters holding signs
M/S Protesters holding flags and banners behind police officers
M/S Protesters cooking
M/S Protesters giving away food
C/U Food being boiled in pot
M/S Protesters giving away food
SOT, Luciano Nerduli, Protester (Spanish): "Macri is making a big pot as if he was a great cannibal, inside that pot there are people, seasoned with this policy of adjustment and hunger."
C/U Food being served *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Luciano Nerduli, Protester (Spanish): "You can not tolerate this four more years because what they are looking for is to speed up everything they are doing. They are going to turn the country not into a Republic, but a tiny Republic of 15.000.000 people, for some [there will be] very small sectors of the middle class and above all [there will be] their friends".
C/U Protesters eating *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Luciano Nerduli, Protester (Spanish): "They either change or have to be defeated directly, before in the polls, and then if it is also needed, in the streets, as it happened with [Fernando] de la Rua when he adjusted the middle class and the poorest sectors".
M/S Car drivers watching protesters march
W/S Protesters holding flags and banners
W/S Cars driving by protesters
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Buenos Aires on Wednesday, outraged by poverty levels and demanding the government to declare the state of 'food emergency' and a four-year extension of the 'Social Emergency'.
The demonstrators, led by social organisations such as Barrios de Pie (Neighbourhoods stand up) and the Confederation of Workers of the Popular Economy (CTEP), were seen marching on the 9th July Avenue, carrying banners and signs. Police were also seen watching the demonstration.
Protesters also distributed meal among those attending the event.
Argentina is currently facing the highest accumulated inflation since 1991 and basic food products are the ones hit the most by rising prices.
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