
Italy: Macron and Conte stage show of unity

1 19.09.2019
W/S French President Emmanuel Macron arriving, Rome
M/S Macron greeting Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte
W/S Military band getting ready to play
M/S Band playing French anthem Le Marseillaise
W/S Macron and Conte
M/S Macron and Conte bowing to Italian flag
M/S Macron and Conte shaking hands
W/S Macron and Conte at podiums
SOT, Giuseppe Conte, Italian Prime Minister (Italian): "The meeting with President Macron shows the willingness and strong resolve to contribute together, on the basis of a common responsibility, to the relaunch of Europe. We are in a crucial phase, coinciding with the beginning of a new mandate [parliamentary term], and we will be working with a new EU Commission, which will provide us with a chance of working to the economic growth, a greater employment, security and social cohesion on our continent." *MULTIPLE SHOTS*
SOT, Giuseppe Conte, Italian Prime Minister (Italian): "Migration is a complex phenomenon, we Italians are very aware of that. It is essential for Europe to turn a page in the direction of a structured handling, and not anymore an emergency handling of the migration influxes. Italy has always been demanding for that with great consistency."
SOT, Giuseppe Conte, Italian Prime Minister (Italian): "I already received the full willingness of President Macron - and I want to thank him publicly for that - about an European solution, an European mechanism on the arrivals, redistribution and an effective management of repatriations. This is very important because until now, among other issues, the problem has been that repatriations have not been effective."
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, President of France (French): "I do firmly believe that the answer to migration it's not a retreat or a nationalistic provocation, rather the building up of really effective European solutions. We do live in a context today which is not anymore that one of 2015, a lot of work has been done alongside the countries of origin (of migration), in order to work with many African partners to overcome the issues we've met. What we aim to do is to keep going with the job. The French and Italian foreign ministers will meet in a few days and will widen the debate with other European colleagues, especially their colleague from Malta, and a summit in Malta will be held, which will allow us to go ahead with the work started in Paris, alongside with the international institutions."
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, President of France (French): "The second thing is solidarity, which has been missing too often in Europe. I've said it, the European Union has not shown enough solidarity with the countries of first arrival, especially with Italy. France is ready to change in this respect, in the framework of a full revision of the Dublin agreements."
Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte hosted French President Emmanuel Macron for his first state visit since forming a new government earlier this month.
Speaking at a press conference from Rome's Palazzo Chigi on Wednesday, both leaders sought to turn a fresh page on France-Italian relations, which have in recent years come under strain.
Conte spoke of "common responsibility", while Macron echoed that language, referring to "solidarity" among nations in Europe.
The pair also discussed migration and the future direction of the EU.
Conte has sought to reset relations with France, marking a break from the previous coalition government with the League party.
A diplomatic spat broke out between the neighbouring countries, with populist deputies in the M5S and the League clashing with Paris regularly over migration and the yellow vests. Macron was prompted in February to briefly recall his ambassador to Rome.
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