
Lebanon: Beirut anti-government protest continues into night

3 21.10.2019
W/S Protesters dancing, Beirut
M/S Protester covered in face paint, holding child wearing mask
M/S People clashing
M/S Person wearing Guy Fawkes mask
M/S People with hoops
M/S People performing with hoops
M/S Person chanting
W/S People on vehicle
SOT, Protester (Arabic): "We came here to say a word. They (the government) are all required to return the stolen money. We want to rebuild our country, under one banner, without sectarianism or parties. Only under the banner of Lebanon, we want it to become the best country in the world."
M/S People sitting on bed frame
SOT, Protester (Arabic): "As Lebanese people, we are no longer just demanding the overthrow of the government, we want to bring down the sectarian system. The most beautiful countries in Europe are governments, consisting of ten ministers, except for Lebanon [which has] 30 ministers. Everyone about is happy for us, we put our concerns and debts behind us, we tell them: 'You must feel us and rebuild the civil state system.' We wanted a government of ten ministers, sufficient to run the country. We want presidential elections. We want to elect the president of the Republic. The Syrians are not better than us and no one [is]." *LOOSE TRANSLATION*
M/S People
SOT, Protester (Arabic): "We are tired, we have seen war, injustice and everything. All this is enough. It is time to feel us. We have many demands and things that we want to achieve but we cannot, many are things that we do not have. In other countries everything is achieved, but in our country it is different."
M/S People near fire
M/S Person wearing mask and face paint *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
Beirut streets were seen occupied by anti-government protesters on Sunday, as people gathered to demand the country's political leaders to resign over a crippling economic crisis.
People were seen dancing and chanting slogans, with a brawl erupting during the protest. Some were also seen wearing masks and face paint.
"We are tired, we have seen war, injustice, and everything. All this is enough. It is time to feel us. We have many demands and things that we want to achieve but we cannot, many are things that we do not have. In other countries, everything is achieved, but in our country, it is different," said one of the protesters.
The protests erupted on Thursday when new austerity measures announced by Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri triggered widespread discontent across the country.
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