
A bird? Or a drone? It’s both! Drone-carrying robot soars high in Beijing

0 20.08.2019
C/U Flapping robotic bird, Beijing
W/S Flapping robotic bird flying
W/S Flapping robotic bird flying
C/U Robotic bird being checked
C/U People holding robotic bird
W/S Flapping robotic bird flying
W/S Flapping robotic bird flying
C/U Remote control
W/S Flapping robotic bird flying
SOT, Cai Yu, CEO of Bee-eater Technology (Mandarin): "It's controlled remotely and it can fly several kilometers high. It can withstand the wind of up to 18mph (28km/h). For a longer distance, it can use a flight control, then, follow a particular airline and fly back."
M/S Robotic bird
M/S Robotic bird being fixed
SOT, Cai Yu, CEO of Bee-eater Technology (Mandarin): "When the user doesn't want the others to recognise it is a drone, you can use the flapping bird robot. It also has scientific and educational functions and can repel birds. This robot can only glide with the wind or fly with electric power. It can fly with no power outage for long time. It is like a real bird, for example, frigatebirds can stay in the air for 3 months and some other birds can fly over 10,000 km in 8 days without eating and drinking. It has the gliding option, so, the efficiency is high."
W/S Bee-Eater Technology
M/S World Robot Conference banner
C/U Six-legged robot
C/U Six-legged robot
C/U Part of robot
M/S Four-legged robot
C/U Four-legged robot
C/U Four-legged robot
W/S Venue
M/S Robot with lights
C/U Robot with light
M/S Robot driving and avoiding hitting corners
C/U Robot driving
A robotic bird able to secretly carry a drone was showcased during the World Robot Conference in Beijing on Tuesday.
Footage shows the robot called 'Wind Rider' flying while being controlled remotely, flapping its wings just like a real bird.
"This robot can only glide with wind or fly with electric power. It can fly with no power outage for long time. It is like a real bird, for example, frigate birds can stay in the air for 3 months and some other birds can fly over 10,000 km in 8 days without eating and drinking. It has the gliding option, so, the efficiency is high," according to Cai Yu, the CEO of Bee-eater Technology.
The World Robot Conference, where Wind Rider was displayed, is taking place for the fifth consecutive time in Beijing on August 19-25.
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